Research Publications by the Faculty of MPBIM
- N. Ramanuja (2017) ‘Ramayana and Ethics in Public Administration’ published in Bhavan’s Journal Vol: 63 No.: 16 dated 31.03.2017registered with the Register of Newspapers of India under no.: 6065/57. Registration no.: TN/CH( C)/280/15-17 & WPP No.: TN/PMG(CCR/WPP-312-15/17)
- “Challenges in disaster management”. Dharana, International Journal of business. ISSN No. 0974-0082. Vol. 9. No. 1 (January – June 2016)
- “Challenges in global ethics”. Dharana, International Journal of business. ISSN No. 0974-0082. Vol. 9. No. 1 (June – December 2016)
- ‘Similarities in Messages in Ramayana and Bhagavadgita’ published in Bhavan’s Journal Vol:….. No.: registered with the Register of Newspapers of India under no.: 6065/57. Registration no.: TN/CH( C)/280/15-17 & WPP No.: TN/PMG(CCR/WPP-312-15/17)
- N. S. Viswanath (2017). "Impact of Employee Wellness on Performance – A Critical Review of Indian Industry Scenario" International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management & Computer Applications ISSN: 2319- 7471, Vol. 6, Issue 11, November, pp.310-313
- Viswanath N S (2017). Budget India-2017: A tone for new governance?.Southern Economist. Vol;55 No. 20, pp. 39-41. February 15 (ISSN: 0038-4046)
- TQM for a Non for profit organisation- a Digression Southern Economist Journal ISSN 0038-4046 Vol 55 no. 11 October 2015
- A budget with a great difference Southern Economist March 2015
- A Critical Analysis on the Motivational Drivers of Managers in Select Public Sector Banks in Bengaluru, India in Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Asian Research Consortium, Vol 6, No. 10 October 2016 pp 1166-1176 M J Subramanyam and Dr. N S Viswanath
- N S VISWANATH: ‘Union Budget –Macrobatics” Southern Econiomist, Volume 50 No. 24 April 15, 2012, Pp 37, ISSN 0038- 4046
- Deepak, R.,Viswanath,N.S.and Patagundi, S. Basanna. (2010).Investor Strategy under Volatility of Equity Markets in India, RVIM Journal of Management Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, 8-16, ISSN 0974-6722.
- BasannaPatagundi, Sandip Patel &Viswanath N. S,:Analysis of Microsoft Client Business Using the Critical-Mass Management Concepts;The International Journal of Business Management & Research(IJBMR),Vol2,No.,1,2009,pp4-16.
- VISWANATH N.S.: “Women & Marketing -A Functional Perspective” ;Published in WOMEN IN NATION BUILDING: Perspectives, Issues & Implications, Southern Economist Publications, January, 2005, pp254 to 261.3.
- VISWANATH N.S.: “The Metro Model- An Instrument of Change”, Southern Economist, Vol 43 (1), Jan 2004, pp9-10.
- VISWANATH N.S.&S.R.NARAPPANAVAR: ‘Market Integration & Application Issues’ MAPANA,MPSVol1,NO1,May-Oct2002,pp48-51.
- VISWANATH N. S.: “Budget Seeks To Balance Fundamentals”, Southern Economist, Vol39, No23&24, April1&15,2001, pp21.
- VISWANATH.N.S.:”A Soft Budget without Inherent Hardness” Southern Economist,Vol39,No23&24,April1&15,2001,pp25.
- VISWANATH.NS.:”DefencePreparednessV/sGrowth”,SouthernEconomist,Vol38,No5,March15, 2000,pp35.
- VISWANATH.N.S: ‘On The Works Of AmartyaSen: Some Perceptions’: SouthernEconomist,Vol37,3,February1,1999,pp23.
- VISWANATH.N.S.: ”Global Business & WTO” Paper presented at the International Conference on WTO at NIRMA Institute of Management, Ahmedabad ,India.January2000.Published in Indian Journal of Politics,Vol36,Nos1-2,Jan-Jun ,2002 pp65-72.
- VISWANATH N.S.&S.R .NARAPPANAVAR: India’s Foreign Trade & WTO-A strategic Analysis;Paper presented at conference on India’s trade Polices at Karnatak University,Dharwar,India,1999.
- VISWANATH N.S. & S.R. NARAPPANAVAR : “System Perspectives in Marketing – A Case study,” Southern Economist (Study Circle), 9 May 1998
- VISWANATH N. S.: “Karnataka Has A ‘tape’ Budget” Southern Economist Vol 43, No 23 & 24 April 1 & 15, 2005 pp 31 & 32.
- VISWANATH N.S. and S.R.NARAPPANAVAR : “Grading of areacanut in India – A Study,” Bihar Journal of agricultural Marketing, Vol.2, No.4, Oct. – Dec.1994, Principal.371-380
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Performance in Production and Marketing – A Case Study of Pulses in Karnataka,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.48, No.3, 1993
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Policy Issues in Food Packaging,” Proceedings of The World Conference on Food Packaging, December 1992, Bangalore
- VISWANATH N.S. “ “Training Needs in Agricultural Marketing,” Kurushetra, November 1994, ppl.21-24
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Evaluation of MOSPAC Training Programme,” ACSTI News Letter, Vol.1, No.2, 1989, pp.8-17
- VISWANATH N.S. : “What training is all about ?,” ACSTI News Letter, Vol.2, No.1, 1988, p9-11.
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Marketing of Horticultural Produce : An Analysis of Problems with reference to Karnataka,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, July 1987, pp.68-69
- VISWANATH N.S. :”Marketing of Cotton in Karnataka – Some reflections on prices and policies,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol41, No.3, 1986, pp.595-96
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Price Structure of agricultural Commodities – An Analysis of a Millet Crop in India, “ Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vo.40, No.3, 1985, pp.431
- HUMBARWADI B., M.K. NARASIMHAN, S.R. PATIL and N.S. VISWANATH : “Imapact of Training Markets personnel on the Management of Regulated Markets – A case study,” Proceedings of Agricultural marketing Workshop, 1982, Pune
- VISWANATH N.S and H.B. LOKESHA : “Structural Changes, Market Development and agricultural Prices – A Comparative Study Two Princpal Copra markets in Karnataka,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.39, No.3, 1984, pp.245-46
- VISWANATH N.S. and H.B. LOKESHA : “Demand for and supply of Forest Products – A study of Important Forest Products in Karnataka,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.38, No.3, 1983, pp.327
- HUMBARWADI B., M.K. NARASIMHAN, S.R. PATIL and N.S. VISWANATH: “Grading and Price Premium – A Study,” Proceedings of Agricultural Marketing Workshop, 1983, Pune
- HUMBARWADI B, M.K. NARASIMHAN and N.S. VISWANATH : “Slow Growth Crops – A case study of groundnut in an underdeveloped district in Karnataka,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.37, No.2, 1982, pp.400-403
- HUMBARAWADI B., M.K. NARASIMHAN and N.S. VISWANATH: “Issues in Agricultural Price Determination and Policy: On the behaviour of parity,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.36, No.4, 1981, pp.113.
- VISWANATH N.S. & S.R. NARAPPANAVAR : “Agricultural Marketing Management in Karnataka – Some Policy Issues,” Proceedings of Seminar on Development Experience in Karnataka, 11 March 1998, Dharwad.
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Market Information by a Mercurial Man,” Proceedings of National Informatics Centre Conference, June 95, New Delhi
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Market Information the through Informatics – The Karnataka Experiment,” Proceedings of National Informatics Centre Conference, June 95, New Delhi
- VISWANATH N.S.: “Export Scenario of Horticultural Crops in Karnataka,” KSAM Board Seminar on Exports, April 1995, Bangalore
- VISWANATH N.S. & S.R. NARAPPANAVAR: “Production, marketing and export Potential of Arecanut in India,” Proceedings of KSAM Board Conference on Exports, April 1994, Principal.53-55
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Agricultural Marketing in Karnataka,” Government of Karnataka, 1991
- VISWANATH N.S.: “Agricultural Marketing Research – The Emerging Perspective,” Government of Karnataka, 1992
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Agricultural Marketing System in Karnataka – A Study,” Paper presented to Government of Karnataka in 1985
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Investment on Market Development – An Investigation,” Government of Karnataka, 1984
- VISWANATH N.S : “Project Appraisal for the APMC Channapatna,” NABARD, 1982
- VISWANATH N.S : “Project Appraisal for the APMC Bhadravathi,” NABARD, 1982
- VISWANATH N.S. : “Project Appraisal for the APMC, Turuvekere,” NABARD, 1982
- VISWANATH T., N.S. VISWANATH, B. RAGHAVESH and C.S.NAGABHUSHANA : “A study of Viewers’ Opinion on the programme telecast by Doordarshan, Bangalore,” 1982
- ASWATHNARAYAN M., KISHORENATH, N.S. VISWANATH and K. VIJAYAPPA : “A study of consumers’ Service at Janatha Bazaar, City Market,” Government of Karnataka, 1976
- ASWATHNARAYAN M., KISHORENATH, N.S. VISWANATH and K. VIJAYAPPA : “A study of consumers’ Service at Janatha Bazaar, City Market,” Government of Karnataka, 1975
Prof. S. Bisaliah
- Humanism; A vertex of Human Civilisation Triangle in Humanity in Humans by humans and for humans in Securing Food for all Ed: Dr. PremNath during October 2015
- Investment in Indian Farm Sector; Pathways and Policy Directions in Food expectations of all people in the new Millennium. Ed: Dr. PremNath during January 2016
- Financial Exclusion and Drive Towards Inclusion: Global and National Perspectives in Food expectations of all people in the new Millennium. Ed: Dr. PremNath during January 2016
- Investment in Agriculture in India: Growth Composition and Policy Directions. Published in the conference proceeds of 14th Asia Agricultural Policy Forum Seoul, S. Korea During September 2015
- Saving and Investment Propensity of Farm Households – Evidences from India Book published by Academic Foundation, New Delhi during 2015
- The Context, Complexity and Concerns of Higher Education ijn India; Search areas for reform published in DharanaVol 10 No.2 2016 ISSN 0974-0082
- Budget 2015- a well conceived one? Published in Southern Economist March 2015 Vol 53 No. 22 ISSN 0038-4046
Dr. S. Sathyanarayana
- Sathyanarayana S. (2021) 'TALENT MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON INTENTION TO STAY IN THE ORGANISATION' in Mukt Shabd Journal UGC CARE GROUP-1 Journal (ISSN No. 2347-3150) Volume X, Issue X!!, December 2021.
- Sathyanarayana S, (2020). STABILITY OF EQUITY SYSTEMATIC SECURITIES RISK. International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation (ISSN 0974-5874) Volume 13, Issue 2, April-September. pp. 19- 29. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana S, (2019). SERVICE QUALITY AND PATIENTS SATISFACTION: PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CENTERS IN RURAL KARNATAKA, Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology. Volume XI, Issue XII, pp. 453-471. ISSN No: 1006-7930. Scopus Indexed.
- Sathyanarayana S, (2019). “Modelling Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) using Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR)”. SDMIMD Journal of Management. Vol. 10, Issue 2. March. Print ISSN: 0976-0652 | Online ISSN: 2320-7906, pp. 47- 64.
- Sathyanarayana S, (2019). “FIIS INFLOW (EQUITY AND DEBT) AND ITS IMPACT ON INDIAN STOCK MARKET: EVIDENCE FROM SENSEX AND NIFTY50”. International Journal of Management Studies. Vol.–VI, Special Issue 4. 105-117. ISSN (Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online) 2231-2528 DOI: 10.18843/ijms/ v6si4/14. UGC approved journal, Indian Citation Index
- Sathyanarayana S, (2019). “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CELEBRITY ADVERTISEMENTS PROCESS AND ITS IMPACT ON BUYING DECISION”. Indian Journal of marketing. Volume 49(3). 50-61. ISSN No: 0973-8703. Scopus Indexed.UGC approved journal, Indian Citation Index,
- Sathyanarayana S.(2019) “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CELEBRITY ADVERTISEMENT PROCESS AND ITS IMPACT ON BUYING INTENTION”. Indian Journal of Marketing, ISSN (Print) 0973-8703, Volume 49, Issue no.3March 2019, Pp: 50-62 indianjournalofmarketing .com/index.php/ijom/article/view/142146
- Sathyanarayana S, (2019). “EFFECTIVENESS OF TALENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: EVIDENCE FROM INDIAN MANUFACTURING SECTOR”. International Journal of Management Studies. ISSN (Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online) 2231-2528. Vol.–VI, Issue –1(5), January 2019, pp. 1-16. DOI: 10.18843/ijms/v6i1(5)/01. UGC approved journal
- Sathyanarayana S, (2019). “TESTING SEMI-STRONG EFFICIENCY OF INDIAN STOCK MARKET – EVIDENCE FROM UNION BUDGET” International Journal of Management Studies. ISSN (Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online) 2231-2528. Vol.–VI, Issue –1(2), January 2019 [57]. DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.18843/ijms/v6i1(2)/06. UGC approved journal
- Sathyanarayana S, (2019). “EFFECTIVENESS OF TALENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: EVIDENCE FROM INDIAN IT SECTOR”. International Journal of Management Studies. Vol.–VI, Issue –1(1), January 2019 [19-33]. ISSN (Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online) 2231-2528. DOI: 10.18843/ijms/v6i1(1)/03. UGC approved journal
- Sathyanarayana S, (2018). “MEASURING WOMEN'S BELIEFS ABOUT GLASS CEILINGS: EVIDENCE FORM INDIAN IT SECTOR”. IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), December, Volume 5, Issue 04, pp. 405- 427. E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138. UGC approved journal
- Sathyanarayana S, (2018). “AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF INFLATION ON STOCK MARKET RETURNS”. IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol.13, Issue 02 (November, 2018) Pg. no. 48-64. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21013/jmss.v13.n2.p3
- Sathyanarayana S, (2018), “SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: APP-BASED, ON-DEMAND CAB SERVICES”, IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.5, Issue 4, Page No pp.386-407, November 2018, Available at : http://www.ijrar.org/IJRAR1904752.pdf. UGC approved journal
- Sathyanarayana S, (2018), “DETERMINANTS OF CUSTOMERS’PREFERENCE OF VISITING A COFFEE OUTLET”, ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.8 (12), December (2018), pp. 1-19. ISSN 2231-5780. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “IMPACT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON INDIAN STOCK MARKET: EVIDENCE FROM BSE SENSEX AND NIFTY 50”. ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. Vol.8 (10), OCTOBER (2018), pp. 295-315. ISSN 2231-5780. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “The Operating; Financial And Liquidity Characteristics of Firm Size And Its Impact on FIIs Investment Pattern” International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI). Volume 7 Issue 9 Ver. 2. http://www.ijbmi.org/papers/Vol (7)9/Version-2/D0709022735.pdf September. PP. 27-35. ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “FLUCTUATIONS IN CRUDE, GOLD & FOREX PRICES AND ITS IMPACT ON STOCK MARKET: EVIDENCE FROM SENSEX AND NIFTY 50”. International Journal of Management Studies. Vol.–V, Special Issue - 4, August 2018 [1]. ISSN (Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online) 2231-2528. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “VOLATILITY IN CRUDE OIL PRICES AND ITS IMPACT ON INDIAN STOCK MARKET EVIDENCE FROM BSE SENSEX”. SDMIMD Journal of Management. Vol. 9, Issue 1. March. Print ISSN: 0976-0652 | Online ISSN: 2320-7906, pp. 65- 76.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “THE EFFECTS OF INDIVIDUAL DIMENSIONS OF SERVICE QUALITY IN FIVE STAR HOTELS USING SERVQUAL MODEL”. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management. Volume No. 8 (2018), ISSUE No. 05 (MAY) ISSN 2231-5756, pp. 8-17.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ONDETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN INDIAN BANKING SECTOR”. Singaporean Journal of Business Economics, and Management Studies (SJBEM). VOL. 6, NO. 3, pp. 40-55.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION ON DETERMINANTS OF WORK LIFE BALANCE IN IT SECTOR: EVIDENCE FROM INDIA”. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter). Vol. 7 (1), pp. 34-48. http://www.arabianjbmr.com/pdfs/Arabian%20Journal%20of%20Business%20and%20Management%20Review%20(Kuwait%20Chapter)_KD_VOL_7_1/5.pdf
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “THE EFFECTS OF INDIVIDUAL DIMENSIONS OF SERVICE QUALITY OF ONLINE SHOPPING.” International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X www.ijbmi.org || Volume 7 Issue 3 Ver. I || March. 2018 || PP—51-64. UGC approved journal.
http://www.ijbmi.org/papers/Vol (7)3/Version-1/H0703015164.pdf
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “IMPACT OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION ON WORK ENGAGEMENT: EVIDENCE FROM INDIAN IT SECTOR”. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 20, Issue 2. Ver. V (February. 2018), PP 85-99. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana (2018). “DYNAMICS OF RURAL RETAILING IN INDIA: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES”. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp: (752-769) file:///C:/Users/Dr.Satyanarayana/Downloads/DYNAMICS%20OF%20RURAL-6627.pdf. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana (2017). “DYNAMICS AND DETERMINANTS OF IPO INVESTING BY RETAIL INVESTORS: EVIDENCE FROM INDIAN STOCK MARKET”. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management. VOLUME NO. 7 (2017), ISSUE NO. 10 (OCTOBER). ISSN 2231-4245, pp. 27-35. UGC approved journal. file:///C:/Users/Sathyanarayan/Downloads/ijrcm-3-IJRCM-3_vol-7_2017_issue-10-art-07%20(4).pdf
- Sathyanarayana (2017). “AN ANALYTICAL STUDY ON CURRENCY CORRELATION AND RISK GRADING”. ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research. Vol.7 (4), APRIL (2017), pp. 1-22. ISSN 2249- 8826. Index Copernicus Value (2012): 5.19; SJIF Scientific Journal Impact Factor (2012): 4.134
- Sathyanarayana (2017). “BREXIT: IMPACT ON INDIAN & GLOBAL ECONOMY”. Dharana (ISSN 0974-0082). An International Journal of Business, Jan-June, Vol. 11, No.1, pp. 21-28.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017), “THE CALENDAR-MONTH ANOMALY AND THE INDIAN STOCK MARKET- EVIDENCE FROM BSE”. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management. VOLUME No. 7, ISSUE NO. 03 (MARCH), pp. 45-50. ISSN 2231-4245. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana (2017). “TESTING OF CAPM AND WACC OF INDIAN BANKS”. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review. Vol. No. 1, Issue No. 4. February. Impact factor 3.996. ISSN (Print): 2349-6738; ISSN (E): 2349-6746.
- Sathyanarayana (2017). “THE IMPACT OF POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT ON STOCK MARKET VOLATILITY: EVIDENCE FROM CURRENCY DEMONETISATION IN INDIA”. IOSR Journal of business and Management. Volume 19, Issue 1. Ver. VII (Jan. 2017), PP 47-63. e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017). “THE EFFECTS OF INDIVIDUAL DIMENSIONS OF SERVICE QUALITY IN IRCTC BY USING SERVQUAL MODEL WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY”. Asian Journal of Management Research ISSN 2229-3795, Volume 7 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 256-278. http://ipublishing.co.in/ajmrvol7no3.html
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017). “EMERGING DIMENSIONS OF BUYING BEHAVIOUR IN RURAL KARNATAKA: AN EMPIRICAL APPROACH WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO FMCG” IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM).e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 19, Issue 8. Ver. IV. (August 2017), PP 35-56. http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/pages/19(8)Version-4.html. UGC approved journal (Sl. No. 4481, Journal no. 46879).
- Sathyanarayana, S., (2017). “THE ROLE OF PACKING ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF RURAL CONSUMERS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO FMCG”. IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (ISSN 2455- 2267), 8(1), pp. 103-117. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.21013/jmss.v8.n1.p12. (SJIF- 3.554) and UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017), “DEFENCE ALLOCATION 2017-18: WHAT ABOUT PROCUREMENTS”. Southern Economist. Vol. 55. Number 22, pp. 41-46.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017), “REACHING OUT TO THE RURAL CONSUMERS THROUGH HAATS: A STUDY IN KARNATAKA”. International Journal of Business and Management Invention. Volume 6, Issue 1, January, pp. 55-64. ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X. UGC approved journal with Sl. No. 4479 and Journal No. 46889.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017), “DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN INDIAN IT SECTOR”. Singaporean Journal of Business Economics and Management Studies (SJBEM). Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 8-28. (ISSN No. 2301-3621)
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017). DETERMINANTS OF STORES CHOICE IN RURAL MARKETS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY IN KARNATAKA STATE. IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (ISSN 2455-2267), 6(2), pp. 235-252. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.21013/jmss.v6.n2.p7. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017). “TARGETING THE NON-URBAN CONSUMERS: MEDIA HABITS AND PREFERENCE OF RURAL CONSUMERS IN KARNATAKA STATE”. International Journal of Retailing & Rural Business Perspectives.Volume 6, Number 1, January – March, pp. 25-39. ISSN (Print): 2279-0934, (Online): 2279-0942 PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 6.622, SJIF (2016): 7.452. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017).“THE WHEEL OF RURAL RETAILING: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY IN KARNATAKA STATE” International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives. Pezzottaite Journals. Volume 6, Number 3, July – September’ 2017. ISSN (Print): 2319-9032, (Online): 2319-9040. SJIF (2015): 6.648, SJIF (2015): 7.175, H5-Index: 3, H5-Median: 3, H-Citations: 10. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017). “AN ANALYTICAL STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF VISUAL MERCHANDISING ON IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR IN SHOPPER STOP”. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). Vol. 36, No 5. , pp. 112-132. ISSN 2307-4531. Link:http://gssrr.org/index.php?journal=JournalOfBasicAndApplied&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=8243&path%5B%5D=3786
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2017). “DYNAMICS OF RURAL RETAILING IN INDIA: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES”. International Journal Of Research In Commerce, IT & Management. VOLUME NO. 7 (2017), ISSUE NO. 12 (DECEMBER). ISSN 2231-5756, pp. 7-16. UGC approved journal. Link: file:///C:/Users/Sathyanarayan/Downloads/ijrcm-4-IJRCM-4_vol-7_2017_issue-12-art-02.pdf
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2016). “FOREX MARKET WEAK FORM EFFICIENCY AND SEASONALITY: EVIDENCE FROM INDIA”. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review. Vol. 6, No.4, December. Impact factor: 4.986, pp. 21-36. ISSN: 2224-8358. http://www.arabianjbmr.com/VOL_6_(4)_KD.php.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2016). “IMPACT OF BREXIT REFERENDUM ON INDIAN STOCK MARKET”. IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (ISSN 2455-2267), 5(1), 104-121. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.21013/jmss.v5.n1.p12 (Indexed in J-gate, Google scholar). UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2016). “GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS REACTION TO SPECIAL EVENTS: EVIDENCE FROM BREXIT REFERENDUM”. International Journal of Business and Administration research review. ISSN No. 2378-0653 eISSN 2347-856X. Vol. 1, Issue No. 4 July –Sept 2016, Impact Factor. 3.853. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2016). “TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS THAT DRIVE CONSUMERS – VISIT ONLINE”. International Journal of Science technology and Management. Vol. No. 5, issue No. 7, July 2016. (ISSN No 2394-1537). Impact Factor 2.012. Link: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/pages/18(8)Version-4.html
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2016). “DRIVING ONLINE TRAFFIC BY USING QR (QUICK RESPONSE) CODE”. IOSR Journal of business and Management. (ISSN 2319-7668). Vol. 18, Issue 8, ver.4 August 2016. 09-19. (Indexed in J-gate, crossref, NASA) Link:http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol18-issue8/Version 4/B1808040919.pdf. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2016). “A STUDY ON VIDEO DISPLAY AS VISUAL MERCHANDISING TOOL AND ITS INFLUENCE THE BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMER WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO GROCERIES”. International Journal of Retailing and Rural Business Perspectives. An indexed and referred journal. ISSN (print): 2279-0934. Online ISSN: 2279-0942, Vol. 5, number 1 (January to March 2016). 2075-2080. Impact factor 6.622. UGC approved journal.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2015). “AN ANALYSIS OF DAY-OF-THE-WEEK ANOMALY IN THE INDIAN STOCK MARKET: EVIDENCE FROM BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE” Ushus, A Journal of Business Management an ISSN referred journal (ISSN 0975-3311) in December 2015. Christ University.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2014). ROLE OF SPURIOUS PRODUCTS IN RURAL RETAILING, Dharana.An International Journal of Business, July-December. Vol.8, #1 (2014) 10-18 ISSN 0974-0082, pp. 11-21.
- Sathyanarayana, S. (2011). “TRENDS IN THE MARKETING OF FMCG IN KARNATAKA”, Dharana (ISSN 0974-0082). An International Journal of Business, Jan-June, Vol. 5, 1 & 2, pp. 61-73.
The synopsis of Dr. Sathyanarayana’s doctoral thesis was published in Deccan Herald dated 12 April, 2011. (Link: http://www.deccanherald.com/content/153193/retailers-play-key-rolerural.html)
- SumithraSreenath (2019); Examining Qualities of self-leadership among Management Graduates at Bengaluru. Paper Published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR).Open Access, peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, ISSN (E) 2348-1269, and ISSN (P) 2349-5138. UGC-Indexed Journal No: 43602 Impact Factor (5.75), Vol.6 (Special Issue) pp.126-131.
- SumithraSreenath (2019); A Study on Expectation of Millennials at workplace with special reference to Management graduates. Paper Published in International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering. Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal, ISSN (O) 2249-0558.Impact factor (7.119), Vol. 9 Issue 4, (Special Issue), April, pp. 401-413.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2019); Assessment of Safety Measures at Medium scale manufacturing Enterprise at Bengaluru. Paper Published in International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS). Open Access, Refereed Journal, ISSN (E) 2231-2528, and ISSN (P) 2249-0302. UGC-Indexed Journal No: 44925,Vol.VI (Special Issue 4), June pp.35-44.
- 2. Sumithra Sreenath (2019); Examining Qualities of self-leadership among Management Graduates at Bengaluru. Paper Published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR).Open Access, peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, ISSN (E) 2348-1269, and ISSN (P) 2349-5138. UGC-Indexed Journal No: 43602 Impact Factor (5.75), Vol.6 (Special Issue)pp.126-131.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2019); A Study on Expectation of Millennials at workplace with special reference to Management graduates. Paper Published in International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering. Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal, ISSN (O) 2249- 0558.Impact factor (7.119), Vol. 9 Issue 4, (Special Issue), April, pp. 401-413.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2019); Employee Benefits and its effect on Productivity at Semcon India Private Limited Bangalore. Paper (Case) Published inSDMIMD – Journal of Management. ISSN (O) 2320-7906, ISSN (P) 0976-0652. UGCIndexed Journal No: 46035. Vol.10. Issue 1, March, pp. 55-64.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2019); A Study on factors affecting Voluntary Attrition with special reference to Education NGOs at Bengaluru. Paper Published in International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI). A Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal. ISSN (O) 2319-8028, ISSN (P) 2319-801X. UGCIndexed Journal No: 46889. Impact factor (AQCJ 4.72). Vol .8 Issue 2, series III, February, pp. 23-29.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2018); Digital Intervention: A challenge to human capital Management at workplace. Paper published in International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research(IJAIR)(conference special). ISSN: 2394-7780. UGC-Indexed Journal No: 63571. Impact factor (JIF 7.12). Vol .5 Issue 4 (XV), October-December, pp.77-82.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2018); A study on Brand Loyalty towards Fair and Lovely Fairness cream with reference to women at Bengaluru city. Paper Published in International Research Journal of Management sociology & Humanities (IRJMSH). ISSN (O) 2277-9809, ISSN (P) 2348-9359. A refereed journal of SPHERT. UGC-Indexed JournalNo: 48312. (Index Copernicus- ICV 2014: 48.86), Vol. 9 Issue 10, October pp.75-85.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2018); A study on Knowledge Management Practices at IT companies in Bengaluru. Paper published in Review of Research Journal (RORJ). ISSN 2249-894X .International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal. UGC-Indexed Journal No: 48514. (Impact factor 5.7631(UIF) IIBS conference special), September Issue, pp.6-11.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2018); A study on effective learning practices of IT employees at Bengaluru. Paper published in Shanlax International journal of Arts, Science and Humanities .ISSN 2321-788X. A Peer Reviewed, refereed scholarly quarterly journal. Impact factor (JIF 3.025). Special issue 1. August, pp.121-126.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2018); Dynamics of Cryptocurrency – A Review. Paper published in Southern economist .ISSN 0038-4046. August 15, vol.57 Number 8, pp.24-29.
- Sumithra C.G. (2018); Digital Learning: A study on choice of select courses among Post Graduates at Bangalore. Paper published in International Journal of Exclusive Management Research (IJEMR). ISSN (O) 2249-2585, ISSN (P) 2249-8672. Peer Blind Reviewed Journal. Impact Factor 5.76. UGC- Indexed Journal No.49166. Special Issue, June, pp.11-16.
- Sumithra C.G. (2018); Streamlining Talent Supply chain across B-schools: An employer’s Perspective. Paper published in Journal of Advance Management Research (JAMR), ISSN 2393-9664. An international Peer- reviewed and referred Journal, IF 4.73 .UGC- Indexed Journal No.42888. Vol.6, Issue 4, April, pp. 38-45.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2018); Fortifying Talent Management & Sustainability- an Outlook for the future. Published Paper in Asia Pacific Journal of Research. ISSN (P):2320-5564, ISSN (O) 2347-4793, ISSN (P): 2320-5504, (APJOR - Impact Factor: 6.58) PeerReviewed International Journal; UGC-Indexed Journal No: 45797.Vol. 2, Special Issue XI,March, pp. 371-376.
- Sumithra C.G. (2018); A Study to Align and Optimize the Internal Process of the Existing Supply Chain Management with Reference to KS&DL Bengaluru. Published Paper in Singaporean Journal of Business Economics, and Management Studies (SJBEM), Double-Blind Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal. DOI:10.12816/004442831, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 31-41.
- Sumithra C.G. (2018); The Acceptance of Facial Care and Make Up products in Beauty Salons. Paper Published in EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review. ISSN (O) 2347-9671, ISSN (P) 2349-0187, UGC-Indexed Journal No: 47335, (sjF Impact Factor 2017: 7.144, Index Copernicus- ICV 2016: 61.33), Vol. 6 Issue 1, January,pp.48-55.
- Sumithra C.G. (2017); BREXIT: Talent Challenges for Recruitment and Retention. Published Paper in Dharana - International Journal of Business from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s M.P. Birla Institute of Management. ISSN 0974- 0082, Vol. 11, #2, July-December, pp. 21-25.
- Sumithra C.G. (2017); A Study on Footwear Retail Supply Chain for Select Outlets at Bangalore City. Published paper in International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives (A Refereed Quarterly Journal) Pezzottaite Journals. ISSN (P): 2319-9032, (O): 2319-9040 (sjIF (2016): 7.175, H5-Index: 3, H5-Median: 3, H-Citations: 10) Vol. 6, No. 3, July- September, pp. 3074-3081.
- Sumithra C.G. (2017); Investment Decision making using technical analysis: A study of select stocks in Indian Stock Market. Published Paper in IOSR Journal of Business and Management, ISSN: 2319-7668, vol. 19 Issue 9 (Version VI), September, pp. 24-33.
- Sumithra C.G. (2017); A study on Brand Awareness among Customers of Bangalore for Byju’s - The Learning App. Published Paper in International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, ISSN 2322-0899 Vol. 5, Issue 3 (VI), July- September, pp. 12-18.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2016); The Effects of Individual Dimensions of Service Quality in IRCTC by using SERVQUAL Model with special reference to South Western Railway. Published Paper in Asian Journal of Management Research, ISSN 2229-3795, Vol.7, Issue 3, 2017, February, pp. 256-278.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2016); An Analytical Study on Inflation and Short Term Interest Rates. Published Paper in International Journal of Applied Financial Management Perspectives (A Refereed Quarterly Journal) Pezzottaite Journals, ISSN (P):2279-0896, ISSN (O) 2279-090X, (sjIF 6.847), Vol.5, No.3 July-September, pp. 2511-2516.
- Sumithra Sreenath (2016); India Post: Unleashing New Avatar. Published Paper inInternational Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS) ISSN 2249- 2496 (Impact factor 6.278) Vol. 6, Issue 7, July, pp. 37-50.
- Sumithra C.G (2014); Competency based corporate e-learning systems – An experiment with outsourcing firms in Bangalore. Published paper in International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices (IJKMP) ISSN 2320-7523, Vol. 2, Issue 2, September, pp. 35-49.
- Sumithra C.G (2014); Competency based corporate elearning systems – An analytical study of select corporate enterprises in Bangalore. Published Paper in Dharana – Bhavan’s Journal of Management, ISSN 0974-0082 Vol. 8, Issue 2, July-December, pp. 84-96.
- Sumithra C.G (2012); Competency based corporate e-learning systems – An Appraisal. Published Paper in Dharana – Bhavan’s Journal of Management, ISSN 0974- 0082 Vol. 6, Issue 2, July-December, pp. 61-70.
- Rohini G Shetty (2019); Taxonomy of New Age Leadership Styles and Models – A Rumination;Paper published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews {IJRAR E-ISSN:2348-1269 P-ISSN 2349-5138 ;Impact factor -5.75},Vol.6 Jan-Mar Issue 1;UGC Approved Journal No - 43602
- "Rohini G Shetty (2018);Digital Nomads and Stress Management - An Insight ; Paper published in International Journal of Advance and InnovativeResearch {IARA ISSN:2394 - 7780Impact factor – 3.25} Conference KRUPACON 2018 International Conference on Management 4.0 ; 12th & 13thOctober Organized and held at Krupanidhi School of Management in Association with MindShare and Indian Journal of Marketing.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018); Dynamics of Cryptocurrency - A Review.Paper presented in Symposium on Cryptocurrency - A New Paradigm of Economy; 3rd August, 2018; M P Birla Institute of Management {Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan} Paper published in Southern Economist; August 15th, 2018. Vol.57, No.8. pp.24-29; ISSN0038-4046; SE 57th year of publication;www.southerneconomist.in
- Rohini G Shetty (2018);Nuances of Work Life Balance - Women in Employment. Paper published inInternational Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science; VolumeIII; Issue VIIJuly. 2018; ISSN-2454 -6194; {IJRIAS Impact factor – 3.475}International Peer Reviewed Refereed online E-Journal ; A Unit of Research and Scientific Innovation Society.(RSIS International)
- Rohini G Shetty (2018);Leaderonomics -Women Leaders and Organizational Effectiveness. Paper published in International Organization of Scientific Research - Journal of Business and Management Vol.20Issue 7 Ver. IV July 2018 pp.35-44; e-ISSN-2278-487X; {IOSR-JBM Impact factor – 3.52}; Index Copernicus, Google Scholar and many more; Refereed Open Access International Journal;www.iosrjournals.org;Listed under Top 20 Journal of World AQCJ Ranking; UGC approved Journal.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018);Women Leadership Dashboard - Redefining the View.Paper published in in International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce Vol. 08 Issue 06 June 2018 Page 50-54;ISSN: 2250-057X; (IJRMEC - Impact Factor -6.834) Refereed Open Access International Journal; Scopus ID: BA99BCCB7C49F6F1; UGC approved Journal.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018); Labyrinth of Women Leaders -Manifestations & Ramifications. Paper published in International Journal in Management and Social ScienceVol.6 Issue 04 April 2018 ISSN :2321-1784; {IJMSS -Impact Factor-6.178}A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal;Scopus ID IJMSS: A9CA72AA6AE914A8
- Rohini G Shetty (2018); Customer Attrition Rate at Website - theupsconline.com Paper published in International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 5 Issue 04 April 2018 ISSN: 2394 - 5702. {IJCISS - Impact Factor: 4.218} A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International; Included in the International Serial Directories. Scopus ID IJCISS: CF2533133DDD082D.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018); Foundation of Leadership Effectiveness - A Road Map.Paper published in International Journal in Management and Social ScienceVol.6 Issue 03,March 2018 ISSN :2321-1784 { IJMSS - Impact Factor - 6.178 }A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal; Scopus ID IJMSS: A9CA72AA6AE914A8.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018); Fortifying Talent Management & Sustainability - An Outlook for the Future. Paper published inAsia Pacific Journal of Research, Vol.2. Special Issue IX, March, 2018; ISSN: 2320-5504, {APJOR - Impact Factor: 6.58} Peer Reviewed International Journal; S N 4578;www.apjor.com;UGC approved Journal.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018); EQ-nomics of Women Leaders in the IT Sector - A Bench Start Study; Paper published in Singaporean Journal of Business Economics and Management; International Journal. Vol.6 (2).2018 ID 56-2-SG; ISSN: 2301-3621 {SJBEM - Impact Factor - 5.098} DOI: 10.12816/0044435; Double-Blind Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal.
- Rohini G Shetty(2018);The Success Paradigm -Women Leaders and Organisational Effectiveness.Paper published inInternational Journal in Management and Social ScienceVol.04 Issue-02 Feb. 2018 ISSN: 2321-1784;{IJMSS - Impact Factor - 6.276} A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal; Scopus ID IJMSS: A9CA72AA6AE914A8.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018);The Glass Concept and Women Leadership. Paper publishedin Journal of Marketing StrategyVol.06 Issue-01, Feb. 2018. ISSN: 2347 - 3770 {JMS - Impact Factor: 4.73}; Included in the International Serial Directories indexed and listed at: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, USA; Open J-Gage and Cabell’s Directories of publishing opportunities, USA;International Journal-UGC approved Journal.
- Rohini G Shetty (2018); Emotional Quotient - The Cutting Edge of Women Leadership Success in IT Sector. Paper published in International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences, Vol.05 Issue-01 Jan 2018; ISSN: 2394-5702 {IJCISS - Impact Factor: 4.218}. A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International E-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories. Scopus ID IJCISS: CF2533133DDD082D.
- Rohini G Shetty (2017) Key Determinants of Women Leadership Success in the IT Sector of Bengaluru City; Paper published in Journal of Advance Management Research Vol.05 Issue-04, October, 2017; ISSN: 2393-9664 {JAMR - Impact Factor - 4.598.}A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal.
- Rohini G Shetty (2017);Glimpses of Brexit and Forthcoming Eventualities;Symposium on BREXIT - EU, Trade &India; M.P. Birla Institute of Management and Southern Economist; 8th July, 2016. Published in Dharana-International Journal of Business; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s M P Birla Institute of Management Bengaluru Vol.11#2 (June-Dec.2017) ISSN 0974-0082.
- Rohini G Shetty (2017); Women Leadership - A Study of Select Women Leaders in the IT Sector in Bangalore City.Synopsis: Ph.D. Thesis; Published in Dharana -International Journal of Business; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s M P Birla Institute of Management, Bengaluru.Vol.11#1 (Jan-July 2017) ISSN 0974-0082.
- Rohini G Shetty (2017); Brexit - A First Look on Global Workforce Mobility and Economic Impact; Paper presented at the Symposium on BREXIT - EU, Trade & India; An economic perspective; M.P. Birla Institute of Management and Southern Economist; 8th July, 2016; Published in Dharana-International Journal of Business; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s M P Birla Institute of Management,Bengaluru.Vol.11#1 (Jan-July2017) ISSN 0974-0082.
- Rohini G Shetty (2016); Inner Sanctum of Women Leadership in IT - A Bench Start Study.Paper published in International Journal in Management and Social ScienceVol.04 Issue-02 (February, 2016) ISSN: 2321-1784 {IJMSS -Impact Factor-5.276} A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal- Included in the International Serial Directories. http://www.ijmr.net.in email id - irjmss@gmail.com ; UGC approved.
- Rohini G Shetty (2015); Taxonomy of Leadership Theories and Models - An Introspection. Paper published in Southern Economist; May 15th, 2015. Vol.54, No.2. pp.41-47; ISSN0038-4046; SE Established 1962; www.southerneconomist.in
- Rohini G Shetty (2014); Paradoxes and Challenges encountered by Women Leaders while Navigating the Women Leadership Dash Board - Strategies and Best Practices. Paper published in conference proceedings; 3rd International Conference on “Managing Human Resource at the work place”5th& 6th December 2014; SDMIMD, Mysore.
- Rohini G Shetty (2014); Macro Foundation of Women Leadership Challenges and Development - Upstream and Downstream.Paper published in the conference proceedings; International Conference on Management Perspectives;April 24th & 25th, 2014;Amity University Jaipur; ISBN978-81-929057-1-6.
- Rohini G Shetty (2012); Demystifying Cloud Computing - A Journey to theCloud.Paper publishedin conference proceedings ; National Seminar Convergences & Cross-Currents in Management & Information Technology organized by Seshadripuram Educational Trust in in association with Bangalore University Teachers Council of Commerce and Management; ISBN: 978-93-5051-645-4.
- Ramgopal S (2017). Budget 2017- A retail therapy for the Indian Economy. Southern Economist. Vol;55 No. 20, pp. 26-27. February 15 (ISSN: 0038-4046)
- Ramgopal S (2015). “Make in India- a Major Initiative of Indian Government: Is the timing Right?” Southern Economist. ISSN 0038-4046. October 2015 pp: 45-48
- Union Budget & India’s Infrastructure. Southern Economist Southern Economist. ISSN 0038-4046. May 1, 2016 pp: 58-59
- Ravindra BS, (2018). “MEASURING WOMEN'S BELIEFS ABOUT GLASS CEILINGS: EVIDENCE FORM INDIAN IT SECTOR”. IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), December, Volume 5, Issue 04, pp. 405- 427. E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138. UGC approved journal.
- Ravindra BS(2018). “THE EFFECTS OF INDIVIDUAL DIMENSIONS OF SERVICE QUALITY IN FIVE STAR HOTELS USING SERVQUAL MODEL”. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management. Volume No. 8 (2018), ISSUE No. 05 (MAY) ISSN 2231-5756, pp. 8-17.
- Anu A Natraj (2017). Budget 2017-18- A Roadmap for the Education Sector. Southern Economist. Vol;55 No. 20, pp. 23-25. February 15 (ISSN: 0038-4046)
- Bhavya N.(2019) “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CELEBRITY ADVERTISEMENT PROCESS AND ITS IMPACT ON BUYING INTENTION”. Indian Journal of Marketing, ISSN (Print) 0973-8703, Volume 49, Issue no.3March 2019, Pp: 50-62 indianjournalofmarketing .com/index.php/ijom/article/view/142146
- Bhavya N (2017). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CELEBRITY ADVERTISEMENT PROCESS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE BUYING INTENTION. International conference & Management conclave held At Krupanidhi College KRUPACON 2018 (Management 4.0 Disruptions in Business and millennial at the workplace) on 12-13 October
- Bhavya N (2016), “Idiosyncratic relationship between investor’s sentiments and tangibility of the organizations in Indian stock markets” organized by REVA University on 29th & 30th Jan 2016
- Bhavya N (2015), Seasonality in participatory notes investments in India: A cautionary trend" organised by IMT Nagpur, held at Goa 4/5.12.2015
- Bhavya N (2015)Higher Education and Sustainable Development- A case on NarendraModi presented at International Conference on Management of Change – Issues & Development Perspective held at School of Management, manipal University, Manipal, Jan 30-31, 2015
- Bhavya N (2013), “Dem and for Gold: Government versus consumers” at International on Emerging Trends in Business, organized by Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka on December 12th and 13th, 2013
- Hema Harsha (2017) ‘EXPLORING FACTORS INFLUENCING TALENT SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS' published in the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ‘MANAGING HR AT THE WORK PLACE’ conducted by of Sri. Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara Institute of Management Development, Mysuru ISBN 978-93-83302-27-7.
- Hema Harsha (2016) Building ethical resilience: the role of educational institutions. Dharana, International Journal of business. ISSN No. 0974-0082. Vol. 9. No. 1 (2012) June – December 2016) pp. 27-33.
- Hema Harsha (Demystifying Cloud Computing-A journey to the cloud- Paper published in the publication on National conference on Convergences & Cross-currents in Management & IT by Seshadripuram First Grade college, Bangalore; Feb 18th ,2012 ;ISBN:978-93-5051-645-4
- Hema Harsha (2013) Inclusiveness & Sustainability-Legally enforced or Voluntary Compliance- Paper published and presented at 17th NHRD Network National Conference; Building Sustainable Organisations-Agenda for India Inc; Swabhumi, Kolkata; Nov 21st to 23rd, 2013; ISBN:978- 933-290-1322
- Hema Harsha (2014), Competent teams for Challenging times- Paper published by KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha in the proceedings of 7th National Management Convention NMC'14 on "The Dynamics of Education to Employment Journey: Opportunities and Challenges"; Feb 21st and 22nd, 2014; ISSN :0974-2808
- Hema Harsha (2015) Risks, Profits & Ethics : A Governance Challenge - Paper published by Institute of Directors, New Delhi as part of the proceedings of the National Convention on Risk Management, on 18 Dec 2015. IOD Publishing, ISBN: 978-81-930987-7-6
- Menedhal Manjunath and Pushpa B.V (2019), Impact of Indian Union Budget 2019 on NSE (Nifty) Sectorial Indices : A symptomatic Study, Southern Economist, Volume 58, number , September 2019, pp.39 - 43, ISSN: 0038-4046.
- Menedhal Manjunath and Pushpa B.V (2019), Impact of Indian Union Budget 2019 on NSE (Nifty) Sectorial Indices : A symptomatic Study, Southern Economist, Volume 58, number , September 2019, pp.39 - 43, ISSN: 0038-4046.
- Dr. T V Raju, Pavithra S T, Sowmya D S and Manjunath S M (2018), Holistic Education for students of Post –graduate Management schools in India, Management Education – Connecting the dots, conference proceeding of 30th AIMS Annual Management Education Convention 2018,pp 109-112, ISSN :978-93-88237-03-1
- Menedhal Manjunath and Sandeep Kumar S (2017) , Role of Capital Markets in the growth and development of Indian Economy, RVIM Journal of Management Research, Volume 9, Issue 2, July – December 2017 P97-108, ISSN: 0974 - 6722.
- Menedhal Manjunath, Gowrisha (2015), An empirical study on Impact of Rupee Depreciation on Indian Stock Market with reference to BSE Sensex and selected sector Indices, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, Volume I, Issue 2, Special edition October 2015, pp.148-150, ISSN: 23484705.
- Gowrisha, Menedhal Manjunath, Suman T S (2014), Financial Planning Behaviour Among Earning Youth in Bangalore – A Comparative Study of Employees of Financial Sector and Non-Financial Sector, RVIM Journal of Management Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January – June 2014 P57-71, ISSN: 0974 - 6722.
- Menedhal Manjunath, Sandeep Kumar (2013), Impact of Flow of Foreign Investment on the variation of exchange rates of Indian rupee, Research Explorer, Volume II, November 2013, Special issue with ISSN: 2250 – 1940 with Global impact factor of 0.389.
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