Any good beginning is providential. The thought process to start a business journal began two years ago. Several business journals, a critical look revealed, are function-specific or general, covering the whole gamut of business. Further exploration made it clear that there is a need for a journal which documented the patterns and processes of management practices.
In Yogavasistha’s Yoga Sutra, the sage expounds three states of mind which are the processes of evolution. The first is ‘Dhyana’- the state of concentration. The mind of the seeker of knowledge converges overtime to explore the inner world. The mind reaches a state overtime, wherein the senses are held together.
When that happens, the state of ‘DHARANA’ is reached. The same mind progresses towards the state of ‘Samadhi’ – the state of realisation. DHARANA is interpreted as – ‘Nature Holds us Together’. In an organizational setting, people consolidate their contribution by maintaining individuality and collective wisdom.
DHARANAdocuments thought processes of researchers, practitioners and the like. This is a long journey. DHARANA is with people who can contribute to thinking on management practices. Let us join to codify thinking in this area of management.
Dharana-July-Dec_2019 Vol 13.2
Research Papers
Management of Ecological Balance by Dhanusha Prabhu & Bibhabari Patra
Book Review
Dharana-Vol13, 1,Jan-Jun-2019-Jan_June_2019
Research Papers
Financial Inclusion and its Measurement by Srinivas T V, N S Viswanath and T S Raju
The Service Sector as India's Road to Economic Growth by Bhupendra Singh Hada and Ashish Suri
Synopsis: Ph.D. Thesis
Drivers of Employer Motivation in Banking Sector by M J Subramanyam
Book Review
Marketing Management by N S Viswanath
Symposium on Global Ethics and Business
Challenges in Global Ethics by N Ramanjuja
The Role of Senior Management in Ethical Related Actions by K S Naik & Bharatraj Shetty
Ethical Dilemma at Workplace - A Case Study by Subhash V Naik
Building Ethical Resilence_The Role of Educational Institutions by Hema Harsha
Ethics and Ethical Leadership in Literature by K L Ramadas and Sudhindra Gargesa
Invited Article
The Context, Complexity and Concerns of Higher Education in India by S Bisaliah
Research Article
Quality Improvement in Health Care - A Diagnostic Study by T V Srinivas and T V Raju
Synopsis: Ph.D. Thesis
Book Review
Research Articles
On Contemporary Issues in Indian Health Sector by T V Srinivas
On the Evolution of an Academic Course - A Digression by B Shekar
Synopsis - Ph.D. Thesis
Global Marketing Strategies for Indian Aluminium Products - A Study by Narayansa Virthobsa Badi
Book Review
New Ideas in Strategic Thinking & Management by N S Viswanath
Dharana 8_9 -VOL5,1&2,JAN-JUN_JUL-DEC 2011_August_2012
International Conference on Educational Leadership - 2009
Guest Editorial by Lakshman Prasad & Nayana Tara S
Leadership The Bagavad-Gita PAradigm by Kumar Alok
Leadership Today's Requirements and Future Challenges by Priyanka Chakravarty
Synopsis - Ph.D. Thesis
Trends in the Marketing of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) in Karnataka State by S Sathyanarayana
Book Review
Microfinance and Sustainable Livlihood Promotions in India - N S Viswanath
Research Articles
Information Efficiency of Indian Capital Marke by Charles Lasrado and T V Narasimha Rao
Price Discovery in NSE Spot and Futures Markets of India by P Sreenivasan
Research Opportunities in Workforce Management by Philip Daniel Wright
Segmenting and Profiling Wellness Clients by Satya Suresh
Book Review
Managerial Economics by N S Viswanath
Marketing Management - Global Perspective Indian Context by N S Viswanath
Dharana Vol:3,2 (2009) ISSN 0974-0082
Research Articles
Globalization & Marketing with Environmental Sustainability by N Naganna & R Pankajakshi
Web_based Surveys_An Emerging Tool by T Srivenkataramana & M Saisree
Invited Interviews
Reflections on Life, Education and Self-management by B Shekar
Reflections on Life, Education and Self-management by B Shekar
Dharana Vol:2,2 (2008) ISSN 0974-0082
Invited Article
Glimpses of Indian Heritage and Culture by N S Ramaswamy
Research Articles
Dynamics of Knowledge Development in a Competitive Economy by N Naganna & Savitha Rani R
Current Trends in Language Usage in International Business in India by Cynthia Menezes Prabhu
Product Design as a Critical Success Factor in TQM Organisations by Lakshmi Jagannathan
Fooled by Randomness by Jacob Thomas & Lalith Achoth
The Pygmalion Manager by Asha M Sheriff
Dharana Vol. 3.1 (2009) ISSN 0974-0082
Research Articles
High Growth Business and Low Growth Environment in Bangalore by K Kumar
Era of Social Entrepreneurship by Devendra Prasad Pandey
Analysis of Stock Price Behaviour around Bonus Issue by Charles Iasrado & T V Narasimha Rao
Synopses and Abstracts of Theses
Dharana Vol 12 # 2 (July- Dec 2018) ISSN 0974-0082
Invited Articles:
Population Growth and Trends in Consumption Pattern by S Bisaliah and Khalil Shaha
Research Papers:
Crypto Currency - A Cauldron of Legal & TEchnical Challenges - Hema Harsha
Synopsis: Ph.D Thesis
Innovation approches, Practices & Firm Performance Amolng Software Produt - Sumukh
Book Review - Sudhindra Gargesa
Book Review - A Call for Educational Renaissance in India - Sudhindra Gargesa
Dharana Vol 12 # 1 (Jan - June 2018) ISSN 0974-0082
Invited Articles:
The power of Giving: From Intuition to Reality - Krishnakumar Natarajan
Constitutional Compulsions for Social Justice - S. Bisaliah
Research Papers:
Application of Statistical Sampling to Audit & Control - T. Srivenkataramana
Synopsis : Ph.D Thesis
Book Review:
Book Reviews: Profiles in Excellence: Nobel Laureates All - K L Ramadas
Challenges in Global Ethics - N. Ramanuja.pdf
The Role of Senior Management in Ethical Related Actions - K S Naik & Bharathraj Shetty.pdf
Ethical Dilemma at Workplace - A Case study - Subhash V Nayak.pdf
Building Ethical Resilence The Role of Educational Institutions - Hema Harsha.pdf
Ethics and Ethical Leadership in Literature - K P Ramadas & Sudhindra Gargesa.pdf
Synopsis - Ph.D. Thesis:
Research Articles:
Challenges in Disaster Management by N. Ramanuja
Fire Loads in Heritage Buildings by N. Suresh
Why Are We not Prepared for Extreme Natural Events? by Uwe E. Dorka
Seismic Vulnerability & Retro Fit of RC Flat Plate Structure by Mohammad Jahangir Alam & Ajoy Paul
Disaster Management - Some Issues Through Examples by A.T. Bhashyam
Book Reviews:
Asset and Liability Portfolio of Farmers - Micro Evidences from India By N S Viswanath
Invited Article:
Synopsis - Ph.D. Thesis:
Research Articles:
Open Innovation - A Need of the hour for Indian Small and Medium Enterprises
On Contemporary issues in Indian Health Sector
Book Reviews:
Subhash Sharma New Ideas in Strategic Thinking & Management
Invited Article:
On the Evolution of an Academic Course
Global Marketing Strategies for Indian Aluminium Products - A Study.pdf
Research Articles:
Research Notes:
- Brexit and Its Repercussions
- A First Look on Global Workforce Mobility and Economic Impact
- Impact of Brexit and India’s Preparedness:
- Brexit Referendum: Impact on Indian & Global Economy
- Impact of Brexit on Tata Groups
Book Reviews:
- Public Debt Sustainability & Fiscal Rules: Some Experiences
- God’s Own Kitchen - The Inspiring Story of Akshaya Patra
Synopsis - Ph.D. Thesis:
Research Notes:
A Cuboid Model for Coverage Processes
Issues in Negative Association Rule Mining with Business Anlytics Perspectives
BREXIT: Talent Challenges for Recruitment and Retention
Glipses of Brexit and Forthcoming Eventualities
Synopsis: Ph.D. Thesis
The Disinvestment Programme in India
The Applicatiohn of Total Qulity Management
Book Review:
Management Perspectives of ICDS Programme - Malathi Somaiah &V. Vijayalakshmi
Research Notes:
Biography of Pooling of Interest Method in Accounting for Amalgamations - J. Shankar
Brand Positioning : A Study On Microwave Ovens - M. R. Shollapur & Anitha R.
The Employability Enigma Selvan D. & K.V. Prabhakar
Policy Towards Novice, Serial and Portfolio Entrepreneurs - T.R.Shastri
Book Reviews:
Research Articles:
Product Design as a Critical Success Factor in TQM Organizations - Lakshmi Jagannathan
Invited Article:
Glimpses of Indian Heritage and Culture - N.S. Ramaswamy
Research Articles:
Book Reviews:
Marketing Management - Global Perspective, Indian Context
Synopsis Vol 7.2_Basel Norms and Indian Banking Sector by Mohammed Arif Pasha.pdf
Research Articles:
Research Articles Dharana July - December 2014
Book Reviews:
Book Review Dharana July - December 2014
Research Articles:
Research Articles Dharana July - December 2014
Book Reviews:
Book Review Dharana July - December 2014
Research Articles:
Analysis of the Indian Art Industry A Organisational Perspective. B Shekar
T. Muralidharean : Your Right First Job: N.S. Viswanath
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