An exclusive MBA institute in which Students are placed with multiple offers ranging from 7 to 43 Lakhs
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Jobs Secured
Er. N. Ramanuja, Chairman, MP Birla institute of Management, Bangalore
Er. N Ramanuja Chairman M P Birla Institute of Management addresses the gathering
MOU with North Dakota State University, USA for academic collaboration in the areas of Faculty Exchange, Management Research & Joint Programmes for Student and Faculty progression.
About Us
M P Birla Institute of Management was founded in the year 1999 at the premises of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore Kendra and blossomed into its present form with the generous support of Late Smt. Priyamvada Devi Birla, as an associate of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, founded by Kulapati Dr. K M Munshi for propagating Indian Culture and Values in the Society.
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Mr. Nikhil Pinni, 4th Sem of M.P. Birla Institute of Management.
Mr. Nikhil Pinni, 4th Semester MBA, M.P. Birla Institute of Management, Bangalore, was recognized for his achievements in social media
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Mr. Nikhil Pinni, 4th Semester MBA, M.P. Birla Institute of Management, Bangalore, was recognized for his achievements in social media
Prestigious award Ravi Rohidekar 2024, "The Best Trainer Award," was given to Mr. Shankar Kulkarni, proud alumnus of M.P. Birla Institute of Management batch 2003-2005
Mr. Nikhil Pinni, 4th Semester MBA, M.P. Birla Institute of Management, Bangalore, was recognized for his achievements in social media
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Best Teaching takes best out of a student. This has been proved. Thank you Ma'am for being the best.
2016-18 BATCH

Ms.Shruti Malipatil. Batch 2013-2015 Research Scholar University of Davanagere I am a proud Alumnus of MPBIM Getting admission done in this Prestigious Institution was a Blessing. MPBIM is a Temple and our Teachers are Priests. Along with the subjects we also learnt to be Professional, Punctual and Proactive Innovative. In classes we acquired the right skills to handle situations through Case study, team activities, business games etc. with these activities, we became more confident and enthusiastic to learn and seek more Knowledge. We got an opportunity to learn practically by visiting the field in the areas such as Marketing, HR etc. In addition, MPBIM Placement Cell helped me to get placed at Phoenix Market City Bangalore. A huge Gratitude to My Beloved Institution and even motivating faculty members for the guidance.
Ms.Shruti Malipatil. Batch 2013-2015

MPBIM gas been a great anchor in shaping my personality both personally and professionally. during my tenure as a student, I was able to sharpen my Leadership skills, Time Management and Team Management Skills which contributed to elevating my overall Managerial Skills. MPBIM always provides it's students an exposure into various facets of industry, as a part of it I was given an opportunity to attend a workshop on Disaster Management at University of Kassel, Germany. The institute has always provided best guidance and encouragement to students to take part in many intercollegiate and co-curricular activities which is an excellent platform for any student to showcase their talents. I was also part of student council and took part in various initiatives lead by CSR team for that academic year. The entire Faculty and Management leaves no stone unturned to shape one/s future. Professors not only focus on delivering the lectures but also groom us to become Corporate Professionals. It was a wonderful experience.
Pooja Kulkarni, Assistant Manager Marketing Exide Life Insurance HO
Batch 2014-2016

Industrial visit to Coimbatore and Adiyogi statue : I Maitreyi Hedge ex-student of MP BIRLA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (Batch 2018-20) would like to take a moment to appreciate the industrial visit which was organised by our institute. The visit to Dry Ice industry and Isha foundation was very pleasing and was very well coordinated and organised by our college, the lodging and food facilities was excellent. Even the Transportation was well planned with proper safety measures. The overall experience was just so pleasing. I would like to thank each and every member and faculty who made us experience such a impactful industrial visit Maitreyi Hegde
Maitreyi Hegde

Industrial visit to Coimbatore and Adiyogi statue : 2020 is the year where most of them spent their days in home due to lock down and quarantine. In spite of that college has taken us for the industrial visit in the month of Dec 2020 where we got to learn, explore and experience the real world. We got a chance to stay in Gokulam Park Hotel for 3 days. Where the food and stay was amazingly planning. In this pandemic situation none of the industries were agreeing for a visit. But the college has managed to take us for the industry named, Freeztech Innovations, Dry Ice machine manufacturing company. Apart from the Industry we also visited Adiyogi statue, Nilgiri Bioshere Nature Park and Marudhamalai temple. Covid-19 precautions were followed throughout the trip. Like using sanitizer, wearing mask, maintaining social distance in the public area, not to stay in the crowed areas, eating healthy food, and so on. Finally, it was an awesome trip planned and executed by the college. Vennela. K
Vennela K

Industrial visit to Coimbatore and Adiyogi statue I am happy because of College took an initiative with risk of trip in Covid situation that to very first college to organise. FREEZTECH INNOVATIONS, PEELAMEDU, COIMBATORE Sanjay CL Batch: 2018-20
Sanjay C L

Convocation 2021 for batch 2017-19 batch: Even when the Covid situation is there the management has taken all safety protocols. NOSTALGIC FEELING! RADHAKRISHNA NAYAK Batch 2017-19
Radhakrishna Nayak

Convocation 2021 for batch 2017-19 batch: I thank all of our MPBIM family for organising this event very successfully during the COVID also, they have taken various measures for the ceremony. Chandana Shetty Batch 2017-19
Chandana Shetty

Convocation 2021 for batch 2017-19 batch: It was a wonderful experience and MPBIM made sure all the hard work was paid off and recognised the talent and appreciated each students. Keerthana GG Batch: 2017-19
Keerthana G G

Convocation 2021 for batch 2017-19 batch: It was a very well organised Convocation inspite of Covid – 19. I appreciate each and every faculty for their support and effort to make this event happen. Name of the Student : Kishore Batch : 2017-19

Convocation 2021 for batch 2017-19 batch: Really had an excellent experience with MPBIM Convocation 21. Chandramoulee S – Batch 2017-19
Chandramoulee S

Convocation 2021 for batch 2017-19 batch: I thank all who are responsible for this function to happen. I also thank students who managed it really well with faculty. Hope we stay connected. Charan N Batch : 2017-19
Charan N

Convocation 2021 for batch 2017-19 batch: Indebted to all Faculties, Non-faculties and Student volunteers for arranging this Event so well. Each one of them behind this success, deserve a big Applause. Name of the Student : Akash M Batch : 2017-19
Akash M

A support system for all students who are willing to learn and who are wishing to achieve something in life. Tq for your support Ma'am
2016-18 BATCH

I enjoyed my study at this College and the two years have become the most unique and unforgettable memories when I think of learning. The Friendly attitude of the staff and their willingness.
Sudhakar Kulkarni, Asst. Professor, Bhavan's Priymavada Birla Institute of Management, Mysuru
2009-11 Batch

MPBIM has always been close to my heart , from day one when I realised that the orientation began with meditation and yoga . I knew at that time that this institution is different for its warmth and it's culture. I have tried to live the two years with happiness amongst all my lovely professors , whose intellect , experience and wisdom stood apart …
Indrani Banerjee
2012-14 Batch

I am a proud Alumnus of MPBIM. I am heading the Centre for Career Developments Services Department of MPBIM. Undoubtedly, an awesome experience which is unique in every sense of the term !!!
B K Ramaswamy
2000-2002 Batch

"Just a few words about MPBIM…it really is one of the best B-schools in Bangalore. I couldn't have asked for more; the dedication, support and motivation of each of the faculty member and staff is remarkable. The two years’ experience at MPBIM was definitely one that I will never forget. I would recommend M P Birla Institute of Management to anybody.”
Amreen Khan
2010-12 Batch

I was part of the MBA 2013 batch at M.P.Birla Institute of Management, Bangalore and still remember my first day where the management and staff made us feel welcome. Our professors were always available to help and made the classes very interactive. We also had a lot of activities throughout the course that honed our leadership, public speaking and presentation skills. We were encouraged to come up with new ideas and projects apart from just the course work which really helped during interviews. The campus placement team exposed us to lots of companies and interview opportunities during our final year. I am a proud alumni, have made some wonderful friends and had an amazing time at the institute
Saria Nazneen, Talent Acquisition Lead, Philips
2011-13 Batch

"MPBIM was a never-before experience for me. It is that place where knowledge is the driving force. A unique blend of academics, real-world exposure and hands on training made me a completely new person. If it can be all be summed up in a phrase , MPBIM taught me to be better at what I do."
Shipra Srivastava, Assistant Manager, Indian Overseas Bank
2009-2011 batch

I am a proud alumnus of MP Birla institute of management , I pursued Master of businesses administrations. M.P. Birla institute of Management has an efficient and comprehensive curriculum . It’s a great platform for younger MBA aspirants. For any serious student it’s a great opportunity for them to extract as much from the professors. They are very supportive and even now, I ask their suggestions for few business ideas. Experience in MPBIM is very satisfying, eventful and enjoyable. MBA at MPBIM provided a wonderful trinity of excellent faculty, accomplished peer and world class facilities. There was a perfect balance of learning inside and outside the classroom, with full of option to explore and grow in the direction you desire.
Sathish Stephen, Northern Trust, Senior Level
2011-13 Batch

My experience at MPBIM includes immense learning and extraordinary guidance from renowned faculty members due to which my entry in the corporate world has been easy and successful. MPBIM helped me to imbibe all the possible characteristics, which a professional is expected to possess. The campus is full of enthusiasm and good vibes
Kundan Kumar, Manager, Canara Bank
2009-2011 batch

MP Birla Institute of Management (MPBIM) is the foundation of who I am today. I got the opportunity to study MBA at MPBIM during 2007-09 under the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Scholarship Scheme. I learned the name of the institute from the Office of Assistant High Commissioner of India in Chittagong. They advised me to check the details of the institute on the website. When I checked the MPBIM website, I was impressed to see the faculty profile and environment of MBIM and was eagerly waiting to visit the campus. When I reached the campus, I was cordially received by the officers and staff. The Opening Ceremony was informative and cleared all the queries in my mind. The preparatory classes on Personality Development, Communication and Presentation Skills, Art of Living and other career related foundation courses showed me a new dimension of life. The quality of teaching of the faculty members at MPBIM is comparable to that of any top ranked business schools in the world. The case based education and pragmatic examples create a strong bridge between class room and the real business world. it also teaches how to become a good human being for the society through various extracurricular activities like Paradigm, Walkathon, Out Bound Learning, Blood Donation etc. Business Leadership Forum (BLF), Seminar and Workshop on contemporary issues give students excellent opportunity to interact with industry representatives and help them to reconcile their class room based learnings with the real applications in the outside world. Faculty Members are engaged in research activities which not only widens their knowledge but also give students an excellent opportunity to remain up to date on the latest developments in the relevant areas.
Dr. Emon Kalyan Chowdhury, PhD (Accounting), MBA (Finance & HRM), Assistant Professor, CIU Business School, Chittagong Independent University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
2007-09 Batch

My time at M P Birla Institute of Management has been a wonderful and intriguing experience. I was privileged to be taught by experienced faculty members and professors who come from different industries and walks of life. The bond that I share among my peers and faculty has been commendable which has taken me to a heightened place where I am today
Barath Kumar N, Lead Business Architect, Tavant technologies India Pvt Ltd.
2009-2011 batch

I have no hesitation in stating that doing an M.B.A from M.P Birla Institute of Management was a turning point in my life. During 2 years of my stay there, I was transformed from a raw graduate into a Management Professional, aspiring to carve a niche in corporate career. All that could happen because of the congenial atmosphere, friendly attitude of the faculty and above all, the readiness of the top management to promote the talent of the students. As a result, many Students like Charanraj A Poojary & I got the opportunity to participate in a couple of competitions organized by India’s Top M.B.A Institutes like IIM-B, IIM-K, and IIM-A & MDI – Gurgaon. Yes we were lucky to win laurels from those top business schools .Indeed, it was highly memorable and fruitful time that we spent at the institute. On the one hand, I thank the Management of M.P Birla for giving me all the support and encouragement and on the other I take this opportunity to congratulate all those students joining this institute to peruse there MBA. My best wishes to both
Mohammed Suhaib, Head, Operations - GiantStep
2012-14 Batch

MPBIM has always encouraged students to initiate activities in the best interest of College through Student Council and being the CEO was indeed a great opportunity than challenge for me. Leading this melting pot filled with diverse personalities and taking them together to cause change was a significant learning for me and this has changed my mindset as a leader. This position has imbibed deep sense of confidence in me which stood as a major takeaway from MBA. The beauty of this responsibility is that it makes one feel to break all boundaries and do something new. I am grateful to MPBIM for this.
Manohar Murugesh CEO, Student Council 2015-16
2014-16 Batch

This place is a living, breathing example of ‘Quality Education’. I spent two crucial years of my life in this esteemed institution and the experiences have left a lasting impression. At the very core of MPBIM is its’ highly respected band of professors, without whom the college wouldn’t be what it is today. Each professor brings a unique trait to the table but one common thread binding them to students is their sheer knowledge, the willingness to go over and beyond and the ability to inspire. It’s rare to find teachers you want to stay in touch with post college but I guarantee that MPBIM teachers set themselves apart so much so that they become a part of your life forever. Imparting knowledge is never restricted to classrooms and the process is such an enjoyable one. I remember walking the streets of Chickpet, interviewing small business silk owners to get more insights on their business model and making a movie showing our learnings to the whole class; I had the opportunity to represent the college & win numerous inter collegiate management fests with the full support of my professors; Raising funds for the college fest, supporting an NGO , organizing the college fest from start to end literally makes you live in college 24*7 and we did it all with a wide smile on our faces; There was 100% support through internship process and with the kind of network support available through my professors, I was able to do a double internship; Being part of the placement cell, I learnt truckloads about how the corporate world functions. All in all, the exposure & opportunities given to students definitely ensures they are set up for success as they transition into their corporate careers/independent businesses. I can confidently say MPBIM gave me the best platform I could have asked for to hone my skills, make lifelong friends and then some. A big heartfelt Thank You for all my dear professors for seeing the best in me and helping me improve constantly!
2009-2011 batch

Attending Paradigm'18 was a trip down memory lane for me as it brought back fond memories of my college days. It was sheer pleasure to witness the vibrancy, enthusiasm and talent that the students displayed. Thank you for making me a part of this memorable event. I was honoured to be there.
Sri. Ram Samtani, CEO Viman Apparels, Bangalore & Motivational speaker

It was refreshing to interact with bright and inquisitive and cheerful student executives of MPBIM today. I am confident that they are shaping well under the extremely competent principal and faculty. I wish the institute and the students all the best.
Dr. H. Shashidhar, Former Census Commissioner, Karnataka

I am highly impressed a the place, the faculty and the persons, academic ambience. A model of an institution.
Sri. K B Ganapathy Chief Editor, Star of Mysore and Mysore Mitra, Mysuru

It has been pleasure to meet the management class and to interact with them. It has been a very educational experience.
Sri. M.V. Kamath, Former Editor of Illustrated Weekly of India

This place is simply superb in terms of ambience, infrastructure and most of all the HR, leadership. I am very impressed by the total, feeling of making one feel like doing something with their and careers.
Prof. Shalini R Urs Founder Director MYRA School of Business, Mysuru

You have made an impressive start with good infrastructure and impressive advisory board. All the best for the future.
Prof. Rishikesha T. Krishnan Former Director IIM Indore

Excellent facilities and spirited students. What a combination!!!!
Prof. K.R.S. Murthy, Former Director, IIMB

It is an exciting experience to visit the institute. The elegant and ambient environment, its originality in every aspect is indeed unique. The dedicated management and staff are bound to do a wonderful job to the young and disciplined students to brighten their future. Good Luck.
Dr. K. Siddappa, Former Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University

I am highly impressed with the sincerity and dedication, concern for the quality of the staff and the students. My very best wishes to you.
Dr. M S Thimmappa Former VC Bangalore University

I felt cool and happy going around the institution. The whole place is functional, not a foot wasted, but everything is artistic and beautiful. The place certainly promotes learning.
Dr. U.R. Ananthamurhty Contemporary Writer and Critic. Jnanapith Awardee for Kannada Language literary work. Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala

This management institute has experimented in syllabus to infrastructure. Excellent organization with lot of vision. I wish this institute and students a bright future. May Sri Manjunatha Swamy bless the institute.
Padma Vibhushana Dr.Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Sri. Kshetra Dharmasthala Temple. A Rajarshi Awardee by President of India

We have been greatly impressed by the excellent quality of the Institute’s ambiance. We wish it well.
Prof. S.K. Ramachandra Rao Well known author - both Kannada and English on Indian Culture, Philosophy, Art, Music and Literature based on extensive research of ancient Indian texts and rare manuscripts., Sanskrit Scholar and Professor of Psychology.

It is indeed a proud honour to visit this temple of learning. These are the oasis, that the society needs to create men or women who create history.
Dr. Gururaj Karajagi an ardent Teacher Trainer and accomplished Academician, well known Coloumnist and Author

Parama Aananda to see management institute like this one. Dedicated to balancing Indian philosophy with modern management. High infrastructure of the Director, Faculty, Staff and students. Excellent contemporary facilities. The patronage of MPBIM. My Praarthana for the institute's growth and Digvijayam.
Dr. M.B. Athreya, Well known Management Consultant, Founder Chairman,Sringeri Sharada Institute of Management & Former Professor, IIMC

Exhilarating experience. May this institution grow from health to health and strength to strength.
T.N. Seshan Former Election Commissioner, Govt of India and a Ramon Magsaysay Awardee

I have heard about this institute a lot and always wanted to visit. It has the best of the facilities for a student to become a good executive. With the background of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, I am sure this institute will become one of the best.
Dr. G. Parameshwar Dy. Chief Minister, Karnataka Government and an Educationalist - established Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre

MPBIM is undoubtedly an institution of excellence. The visit today and brief interaction with the faculty and students are quite informative and exhilarating. It strives to have students with keen minds and potential. The faculty is with commitment and wide and varied experience. The management with imagination and social sensitivity provides them with requisite infrastructure and environment for academic study and work. Every efforts being made to ensure that along with latest knowledge and capabilities which will provide adequate scope for efficiency and success in their future areas of responsibilities. Young minds are also being imparted comprehension and understanding of values in personal life and Social Behaviour. Appreciation of ethical dimension of management seems to be the main spring of the institute for the faculty and management
Padma Vibhushana Sri. T.N. Chaturvedi Former Governor of Karnataka and Kerala, Former Comptroller and Auditor General of India

It has been a wonderful and delightful experience. Keep up the good job.
T S Krishnamurthy, Former Chief Election Commissioner, IMF Advisor in Ethiopia and Georgia. Was Observer to the Elections in Zimbabwe and the US Presidential Elections in 2004

The visit to MPBIM has been a rewarding experience. Good governance are today’s buzz words both in administration and in the corporate world. There is an old corporate maxim, that the business of business is business that enhancement of share holder value and creating of wealth are the primary pre occupations of business corporates. But then wealth is what wealth does. If it brings about intolerable level economic equality and generates unrest in the society, wealth will be self defeating. Today, wealth needs to be redefined and its concept understood more inclusively so as to include the well being of people, environment, and of course, profits. This needs the promotion of a culture of values in the corporate sector and in corporate governance. This is what the institute has set out to do. As the inspiration has come from Mrs.Priyamvada Devi Birla, the ideal is sure of attainment. I wish the institute every success.
Padma Vibhushana M. N. Venkatachaliah Former Chief Justice of India, Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. A Human Rights Activist and Anti-Corruption Crusader.